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Ray Monde

Ray Monde awarded 2020 Veolia Creative Arts Scholarship.

The Veolia Creative Arts Scholarships for 2020 have been awarded to artists Zachery Bladwell from Goulburn and Ray Monde from the Braidwood district. Richard Joyce from Goulburn will also receive a recognition scholarship in 2020.

Dancer, actor and singer Zachery Bladwell will receive a $3,000 Veolia Creative Arts Study Scholarship to support him to complete a Diploma of Dance at Brent Street in Sydney.

Ray Monde is a mixed media artist working with collage and synthetic polymer paint. The $3,000 Veolia Creative Arts Practice Scholarship will assist Ray to create a series of artworks following the devastating fires in his local region of Braidwood.

Richard Joyce has also been acknowledged for his musicianship, as well as contribution to the local community, through a $1,000 Veolia Creative Arts Recognition Scholarship. Richard plans to use the scholarship to get back into the recording studio to complete an album of original work.

Veolia Creative Arts Scholarship Patron Jennifer Lamb says the scholarship program is now in its 13th year and has proudly supported 45 local artists since 2008.

“A large number of high-calibre submissions were received from the local arts community for the 2020 Veolia Creative Arts Scholarships. Applications were received from writers, performers and performance creators, mixed media artists, photographers, singers, dancers, actors, choreographers, painters, directors, musicians and music producers,” Ms Lamb said.

Ms Lamb said the selection panel considered the career development of individual artists wishing to further their artistic endeavours, in addition to how their creativity enriched the artistic vitality of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust region.

Presentation of the 2020 scholarships will take place later in the year when social distancing restrictions allow.

Ms Lamb encouraged artists in any discipline across the region to consider applying for the scholarship in 2021.

The Veolia Creative Arts Scholarship program will be accepting applications early next year with dates and further information available at or by phoning (02) 4822 2786.

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