Inspired by Picasso, an online exhibition curated by Rebecca Wilson

Saatchi Online is an enormous gallery that anyone in the world can step into and wander among hundreds of thousands of artworks by artists all around the world.
I love the idea but it can be overwhelming, knowing where to start and how to find good artwork. That’s why it’s great when pieces are curated it’s a great way to see solid works in a style you may love.
Lucky for me, Rebecca Wilson, Director at Saatchi Gallery London, has included one of my pieces in her Inspired by Picasso collection. It’s just like being included in group show, a world-wide group show. And it’s important because it gives you a little bit of a nudge, a little bit of confidence that your work is okay, that people see it, like it and maybe, just maybe someone will like it enough to hang it on their own walls.