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Ray Monde

DRY YOUR TEARS; New work opens September 5 at Stur Gallery #art #collage #contemporaryart

Messy kitchen before art goes up

Last night my kitchen was a frenzied mess, I had the fire blazing as I glazed the collage and feverishly blackened the sides of the canvases to make the unframed works consistent.

I’m sure artists aren’t ever 100% happy with their work before they go up, they’re always wanting to tinker or just do that little bit. I had even created a wishbone to add to one of the works, then didn’t add it. I think last minute fussing can be a disaster. Like when you go back and chance answers on multiple choice questions and the first answer is always right!

Hanging works at Stur Gallery for Dry your Tears

It was a late one last night, but at 10.30am we were hanging at Stur Gallery and we’ve got them all up for the opening on Friday 5 Sept at 6pm. It was so lovely to have some eager faces popping in as we hung the works, talking about their own childhood experiences. I feel good, it’s good to have them up and I’m relieved I don’t have to tinker any more.

Dolly Dont Know Ray Leggott 2014
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