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Ray Monde
Jan 23, 2017
The serendipitous nature of art and inspiration
Where does the inspiration for creative ideas and art come from?

Ray Monde
Jan 23, 2017
The serendipitious nature of art inspiration
Having worked as a creative in the advertising industry for 20 years, it was always a bit of a mystery where the creative idea came from....

Ray Monde
May 24, 2016
Bumping in to M16 Artspace
In just an hour I set up my works for my new show, It’s for your own good. These works explore experiences from my childhood that inform...

Ray Monde
Oct 7, 2015
How @Twitter can be your muser and abuser in #art
The tirade of abuse for being Aboriginal is raw and uncomfortable and leaves a lasting impression. Like this one from JohnBoy “I guess he...

Ray Monde
Nov 14, 2014
What’s the question contemporary artists are most scared of?
What’s next? What are you working on now? These are the questions that make my skin prickle and my underarms stream. After a successful...

Ray Monde
Jul 23, 2014
I can see just how you would have been as a kid #art #collage
Sometimes you meet someone new and you can immediately see how they would have been as a kid. In fact, it’s one of my favourite internal...

Ray Monde
Feb 20, 2014
Dry your tears: the child within us #art #collage
I started this series almost on a whim. Experiences as children sharply determine who we will be as adults. As we mature, we become...

Ray Monde
Jul 5, 2013
What my teddy bear taught me about idolatry
When you think about religious art, the first thing that comes to mind for many is little baby Jesus with a golden halo. Not so, when it...
See The River, the latest series by Ray Monde exploring the awesome beauty of the Shoalhaven River.
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